1. The Pirate Fight T-Shirt is FINALLY in the store. Laziness is a bitch.
2. Also, I'll be focusing on trying to finish my book, instead of XnC right now. So far, my priorities are:
-FINALLY finish Robert DiMorro: A Week Of Hell
-Pissed Off Webcomic Geek: Cartridge Comics
-XnC Episode 6
Yeah, it sounds bad, but it's not. I'll be doing lipsync work every so often when I'm working on the other
two, so bucker up youngin'!
BACK IN BLACK... (06/30/07)
POST BY: DtotheG
1. Will not be featured on Guitar Hero 80's :(
2. Oh yeah, THE 2nd Part OF THE BIG FIGHT SCENE IS NOW STORYBOARDED!!! However, I'll work on a "normal"
scene, to get m'self ready for the clusterf--k that will surely be the second part.
5. Playoff between Resident Evil 4 and Guitar Hero II for best game I played in 2006!
6. 4000 hits!
I-Con 27 Fund!
GOAL: $2500
I'll try to do something cool for people who donate, like a sneak peak at the next episode, and maybe some exclusive
stuff. I'll add a thremometer once we get ANY money.
Complete, DtotheG- Fight Scene, PBM- First Scene 2. XnC Episode 6 Promo/PP Gurst Comic- 55% Complete, PP Walking 3.
XnC Episode 7- 0.001% Complete, I decided that I'm gonna do it, just going over some ideas BOOKS 1. Robert DiMorro: A Week Of Hell- 89% Complete, Writing Epilogue 2. Second RD Book- 1%
Complete, I know what it's going to be about NON-FLASH XNC BUISNESS 1. DtotheG's
New Shirt Design- Not started 3. Site Cleanup- Constant 4. New Wallpapers for Download- Just thought
of NON-XNC FLASH BUISNESS NewGrounds Mission Points- Unknown% Pissed
Off Webcomic Geek- 30%- Gathering Pics, Filming
Created by Eric DiGiovanni Brought to you by Experiments and Clan