Experiments and Crap

DtotheG (Eric DiGiovanni)

Episode 1
Episode 1.5
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 5.5
Character Bios
Experiments and Clan

NG Alias: DtotheG
Real Name: Eric DiGiovanni
A/S/L: 19/Male/New York
Creator/Writer/Lead Animator/Voice Actor/Webmaster 
AIM: DtotheG88
E-mail: DtotheG88@netscape.net
Hey, I'm Eric DiGiovanni. I'm a Engineering Science major at Stony Brook University which explains why A. I'm a friggin genius, and B. I created a Flash cartoon dedicated to science and video games. When I grow up, I hope to study Scientific Research and since it seems to be one of those things, some of the scripts of XnC might just help me out. Plus, how many fucking awesome games are based in research facilities? Resident Evil... HALF LIFE? Half Life 2...? Anyway, one day I also aspire to get into to publishing. It's too much to go into this little bio, but not only will I be pimping my own stuff out through it, I'll also publish other up-and-comer's work (that's where the real money is!)

Cool facts about me:
1. I'm a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and am currently part of the MMA Club at Stony Brook University.
2. I'm a Sudoku FIEND
3. I play several instruments: the Trumpet (4 years), the mellophone (the bastard child of the trumpet and the french horn, essentially the same thing, 1 year as part of the SBU Marching Band) and the Guitar (since January 2007)

Created by Eric DiGiovanni
Brought to you by Experiments and Clan
Copyright 2005-2007 Eric DiGiovanni

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